Best Vitamins
What are vitamins?
NatMags - fruit and vegetables
Water-soluble vitamins are found in fruit and vegetables.
Vitamins are essential substances that cannot be manufactured by the body. We need small amounts of vitamins for growth and development. Without vitamins the body cannot survive.
The term vitamin is derived from the phrase vital amine. There are two types.
* Fat-soluble vitamins
(A, D, E and K) are usually found in meat and meat products, animal fat and vegetable oils, dairy products and fish. They are transported around the body in fat, and your body stores any excess in the liver and fatty tissues. This means you don't need to get them from food sources every day.
* Water-soluble vitamins
(B, C, folic acid)are found in meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. They are transported around the body in water. This means your body can't store them because you pass the excess through urine. You need to eat foods containing these vitamins every day. Water-soluble vitamins can be destroyed by cooking – so steam and grill rather than boil.

Vitamins for Eyes
Many people in this world are not without vision and feeling a lot as the whole world to them is black. But many people who are having good vision are not taking care of that and facing many problems related to eyes. This kind of occurring of problems to eyes could be protected easily if we do some things daily.
The things which you have to do daily are nothing but have to consume necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients rich foods which helps in maintaining the eyes health. The main reason for this is in our body every thing functions properly only because of vitamins and nutrients like that eyes functioning is also controlled by the same.
In those kind of vitamins for eyes the most necessary vitamins is the anti-oxidant vitamins. The lens and retina of the eyes are easily affected to dust contaminants, unchecked free radicals and cellular process. These anti-oxidant vitamins play a vital role in combating those free radicals. The anti-oxidant vitamins in general include vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. All these vitamins not only help in protecting the eyes from free radicals but also help in promoting healthy cells and tissues necessary for eyes.
The recent research shows that other than these three vitamins A, C and E there are two other vitamins which play a vital role in maintaining one’s eyes health. They are Lutein and Zeaxanathin and these two comes under the same category of anti-oxidants. The Lutein is a carotenoid which is used as a supplement in either manner individually or with some other herbs and vitamins to improve the eyes health.
These Lutein’s play a vital role in improving eyes health and gives proper vision especially in old ages as the amount of lutein decrease as the years move on. These Luteins are a pigment which is found in eyes and it absorbs light from the blue-green section of the spectrum.
It could be obtained naturally by eating green leafy vegetables such as kale, cabbage, spinach, collards, kiwi, zucchini, and pumpkin. But spinach is the one which contains Lutein in large amount because of beta carotene, vitamin C and E and some nutrients which are very important for maintaining eyes health. If not obtained in a natural manner then it is advised to look for any supplement which provides this lutein in sufficient manner and helps in providing good vision and health to eyes.
Vitamin A
Following are the items where you will find copious amounts of this nutrient meant to assist the body to form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin. It is also known as Retinol since it produces the pigments present in the retina of our eyes.
* Eggs
* Mango
* Spinach
* Breakfast Cereals
* Milk
* Liver
* Carrots
Vitamin D
The major biological function of this nutrient is to help maintain normalcy in the levels of calcium of phosphorus present in blood. It also aids in the formation and maintenance of strong bones, while providing protection from osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, and even more severe autoimmune diseases.
* Milk
* Salmon
* Tuna
* Liver
* Fortified rice
* Fortified margarine
* Cheese
Another naturally available source is sunlight.
Vitamin B
This is water-soluble, and is essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates into simpler sugar glucose required by the body. It’s also essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
* Wheat
* Bran
* Brown rice
* Wheat germ
* Oats
* Dairy products
* Kidney
* Fish
* Eggs
* Milk
* Liver
Vitamin C
Your body needs this specific substance for the growth and repaid of tissues in the entire body. It’s necessary for the formation of collagen, and is also an important protein useful for the development of scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and also blood vessels. It’s important for the healing of wounds, and for the repaid and maintenance of cartilage, bones and teeth.
* Oranges
* Strawberries
* Tomatoes
* Cabbage
* Grapefruit
* Mandarins
* Lettuce
* Spinach
* Green peppers
Vitamin E
This is an antioxidant that protects your tissue from the immense damage causes by unstable substances known as free radicals. Free radicals are extremely dangerous for the cells, tissues, and organs. They have also been shown to have some influence on the severity of the signs of aging.
* Almonds
* Spinach
* Broccoli
* Mango
* Peanut butter
* Sunflower seeds
* Hazelnuts
* Safflower oil
Foods containing Zinc are as follows:
* Nuts
* Seeds
* Cereals
* Pumpkin seeds
* Dairy products
* Beans and lentils
* Yeast
The substances found in the above foods are good for maintenance and development of the body. Consuming these foods in our daily diet will help maintain ones entire system much better. Also there are supplements available which too provide these essential nutrients.